Through Humanitarian Picture Books, Jade worked hand in hand with Mohammed Hassan and Mayyu Ali to create a picture book titled, “The Mango Seed.” As a team they gathered insights from Rohingya artists, educators, and poets to craft a story about two siblings, a beloved tree from home, and their courage to recreate a feeling of home and hope in a new place. The Humanitarian Picture Book platform has enabled investment in creatives, generating paid work in the arts for crisis-affected people. We can’t wait to show this book to the world! More information to come.


In January 2020, in the largest refugee camp in the world in Bangladesh, we launched our pilot book, Dear Child. This is an illustrated letter to crisis-affected children. The Rohingya community participated in a human-centered design process to inform this and future humanitarian picture books with Rohingya culture, innovations, and camp context. Proceeds from these books go towards employing refugees to compose, translate, and illustrate follow-on books and to the printing and distribution of these books to crisis-affected kids. With your help, we will be able to scale this project to more humanitarian contexts where we will reach refugee children with hopeful and empowering stories. Thank you so much for making this possible.


Creative Expression


Tailored Books