Humanitarian Picture Books
One quiet afternoon, a colleague was working in the clinic office when the door creaked open. Two 11 year old boys crept inside, hoping no one would notice. They were on a mission.
The boys searched under the table and above the cabinets. They soon found what they were looking for.
“Dear Child”
They had read this book earlier that morning and wanted to see it again.
The boys showed their favorite pages, and acted out the scene of two friends holding hands. “I like this page because they’re friends,” one of them explained, “and that makes me feel like I also have a friend.”

Dear Child
A Picture Book With Impact,
Soon available for online purchase- stay tuned!
100% of your payment for this flagship book will go to creation and delivery of empowering books to crisis-affected kids. Every time you buy this and other Humanitarian Picture Books, you fund employment of refugees as translators, illustrators, poets and storytellers. Your payment enables us to engage child psychologists, humanitarian organizations, and local educators to co-create therapeutic stories with and for refugee children. By purchasing this book, you enable crisis-affected children to heal through creative expression, by reclaiming their narratives, and by bonding with caretakers over beautiful, relatable books.
The Big Idea:
Picture books deliver cognitive, social, and emotional benefits to children. Relatable and inspiring books can restore hope, help kids feel less alone, and provide tools to cope with adversity. To-date, however, too few picture books are reaching children coping with humanitarian crises. Picture books are not in their languages, do not reflect their cultures, and do not address their experiences. Humanitarian Picture Books is the first platform dedicated to closing the gap in picture books for crisis-affected kids.